Farewell my friends. It was fun blogging for almost 2 years in Boesein, but I have decided to shut down this project since Janauary for several reasons.Firstly, I don't have enough time to read and translate all those stuffs which I literally enjoy doing; and secondly, I have alot of personal issuies to be taken care of. Me and my partner, Seinmyoutmyout, couldn't have done 502 posts of nonesense without your very kind encouragments. Thanks zillions for visiting - intentionally or unintentionally, commenting, linking, clicking or..whatever you do here. I am going to delete everything when the domain registeration expires.
She co-starred in "The Purple Plain", world war II background film released in1954, with Gregory Peck and Bernard Lee. I tried to google her biography further,but nothing came out. I am convinced that Burmese actress from 50s and 60s were way hotter than today's generation as my dad once told me. I've found couple of video clips from Purple Plain on Youtube. Well,here comes the storyline.....
The young Gregory Peck plays Bill Forrester a Canadian pilot in the RAF serving in far off Burma in the closing months of WWII. He flies a Mosquito, two seat, fighter bomber. (The actual aircraft was provided through the cooperation of the RAF and repainted in accurate camouflage and markings, for once.) Forrester, it seems, has gone "round the bend" after losing his new wife in the Blitz. He's self destructive, wanting to end it all in combat. "You'd think that would be easy in a war", he explains to Anna, "but I just kept getting medals instead." Anna is a small, slim, pretty teacher, played very well by Win Min Than, a Burmese actress (how refreshing). They, of course, fall in love (It's a MOVIE, folks) and his life really seems to be turning around. But, on a routine flight, he and two others go down in a very remote desert area of Burma's central plain (hence, the title). From there on we have a rather good, believable survival saga.(IMDB)