"Too many restaurants is bad for you",Yangon Mayor said!

Christmas special english post :)


There will only be a few restaruant permits in Yagon for comming years according to the President of the Yagon municipal commity Brigadier-General Aung Thein Lin, who is also known as the Mayor of Yangon City. He said,"Actually, we have found out that restaurents are wasting people's time and money.Therefore, we are going to limit the restaruants in near future which those merely intend to waste people's time and money".

As a result, they are going to apply the very strict policies upon restaruants permits unlike the old times. He also stated that they have already stopped granting tea-shop permits since 2005 because growing numbers of tea-shop will not be good for the public.

The military regime of Myanmar(Burma) has been praticing their so-called open market system since early 90s that often outraged scholars and prefessionals. Furthermore, according to the mayor's comment, Myanmar(Burma) will , presumably,be the only nation with the restaruants whose permit would be decided by above unusual requirements - not by health and zoning standards. But the big question is," How would they determine that?""What kind of restaruants suck off people's precious time?."I am confused and need more information about that", 210lbs food loving Yangoner told to boesein.com.

As a matter of fact, Yagoners should cook at home or even ,incase of must-go situation, try avoiding time and money wasting restaurants.This is your Mayor's advice....for your own good. Merry Christmas!!

Read in Burmese

via:phatpa(in burmese)
source:flower news